Edu-Stats: Academic Statistics Parser

Github Repo

You can find the documentation and source code in Github repository at


Please fill the following fields to test the demo version. At least one of the following fields must be completed.

Google Scholar ID:
Scopus ID:
Publons ID:

In JavaScript output, once the script has been included, each item is stored in a seperate variable as below, and they are accessible via JavaScript.

Variable Value
Google_ID n/a
Google_URL n/a
Google_Citations n/a
Google_hIndex n/a
Google_i10Index n/a
Scopus_ID n/a
Scopus_URL n/a
Scopus_Documents n/a
Scopus_hIndex n/a
Scopus_Citations n/a
Scopus_CitationDocuments n/a
Publons_ID n/a
Publons_URL n/a
publons_averagePerItem n/a
publons_averagePerYear n/a
publons_hIndex n/a
publons_timesCited n/a
publons_numPublicationsInWosCc n/a

JSON output:
"output" parameter generates JSON output which is suitable for parsing and AJAX functions. A sample JSON output is shown below:


For instance, in order to print the Google Scholar h-Index on a page, it is only required to write its variable on a page.


Copyright © 2022. Kaveh Bakhtiyari. All rights reserved.